Flight Technical Consultancy


Manuals and Procedures
ClimbVector has the knowledge and the means to provide you with manuals and procedures as you like them. Manufacturers are all too often only concerned covering their liabilities, losing sight of the men and women that have to use their product four to six times a day. We believe procedures and checklists should be easy, practical and written in a real-world way. See more of our vision here .

When you are building your own Operations Manual, it is quite common to lose sight of the end-user of the product. The result is a manual that becomes hard to read, difficult to use, and sometimes even dangerous to execute. We can read your manual with a 'fresh' (yet critical and professional) look and tell you what is unclear or missing. Check this page to see what we mean!

To guide you through the change of manuals and procedures, ClimbVector can provide you with appropriate training of your Instructors or even all pilots. This training can be in a classroom setting, in the simulator, on the aircraft, or a combination of those.

We are looking forward to getting in touch with you about moving your SOP to the next higher level.